
Padiatricians / Specialists

There are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.

It is important that babies are examined post birth to be screened for certain conditions that can present in the newborn period as well as any congenital abnormalities such as critical congenital heart disease. In the event of a caesarian section, a paediatrician is required to be present at the time of the caesarean section to ensure baby’s safety.


They will talk to you and tell you each step of what they will do before it happens, because they recognize the innate new being that you are. 

Postnatal Care.2


Dr. B McLaren (Paediatrician)

  • Contact 011 883 3442
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Morningside

Dr. E Maraschin (Paediatrician)

  • Contact 011 784 2729
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Morningside

Dr. C Bopape (Paediatrician)

  • Contact 011 544 9812
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Genesis Maternity Clinic (Circumcision procedures as well)

Dr. Carla Jardine (Paediatrician)

  • Contact ‎+27 10 500 1775
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Consults ar Greenside and at Garden City Hospital

Dr. D Gersun (ENT)

  • Contact 082 674 2770
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Linksfield

Dr. MJ Pholo

  • Contact 081 362 1904
  • Affiliated Hospital and consulting at:
  • Netcare Parklane, Life Brenthurst and Busamed Modderfontein